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October Challenge Spaces Are Now Closed.

Sign-Up below to be notified of any future challenges and any special offers!


The 8-week Challenge:

Lose fat, build muscle and feel amazing!

Take the guesswork out of your nutrition & training

Take part from anywhere in the world

Be part of an incredible vegan community





**Tip: Make sure you register to be notified about any Early Bird discounts!

I am loving it! Having the workouts all laid out and planned for me has been huge in being able to easily follow through with my gym commitments. No floundering or guesswork. Same with the meals. The whole setup takes all the guesswork out of the process.

Danielle, Ca. USA

Holy crap I am so much more toned and lean than I thought I could be at a heavier weight than I was 3 years ago. I am a faster runner even when running easy paces!

Ava, NY, USA


The 8-Week Challenge is the ultimate program for vegan (or vegan-curious) women who want to lose fat, tone up, build muscle or just learn how to eat well and feel great on a plant-based diet.

Everything is provided in one handy place inside my app, can be done from anywhere in the world and includes everything you need to be successful, from personalised recipes to training plans, education, progress tracking and support.


Not only will you have me to guide and support you over the 8-week period, but what you learn during this challenge you will take with you for life to finally end all the yo-yo dieting cycles and move away from losing and gaining the same 15lbs over and over.

I believe that with the right mindset, plan, education and support in place, you CAN achieve incredible results in a short space of time... 

Those results can be anything from dropping a dress size or two to forming new habits that help you to step into being the fittest, healthiest version of you…

You WILL get results as long as you are open to new ideas, committed to learning and growing as an individual and willing to put in the work!






This challenge is a 'real world' program that gives you the knowledge and tools you need to not only lose weight and build muscle on a plant-based diet but how to carry that on to maintain your results in the long term.


There are too many cookie-cutter plans out there that don't tailor to you specifically, don't understand plant-based diets and take a ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach.

During the 8-Week Challenge you'll get;

8-weeks access to my exclusive app:

Where everything is hosted all in one place!

Personalised Nutrition:

Calorie & macro targets tailored specifically to YOU and your goals! Sustainable. Realistic. Manageable.


Tailored Recipe Ideas:

A custom recipe starter pack within the app with 28-35 recipes hand-picked to meet your calorie & macro targets based on your goals & preferences - all with meal-planning and shopping list functionality!

Training Plans:

An 8-week 3, 4 or 5-day strength training plan for home gym or full gym in 2 x 4-week mesocycles all through the app where you’ll be able to track your weights & progress

Personal Progress Check-ins:

I will send you a check-in form to fill out on weeks 3 & 6 to evaluate your progress and change calories & macros if needed! You will get a personal video feedback reply from me with advice on how to keep moving forward

Live group coaching calls & Q&A sessions:

Every Sunday we’ll have a live call where I’ll answer any questions and drop some invaluable teachable moments

Group Support:

You'll be in a private group environment within the app (not Facebook!) with other amazing women on the same journey as you. Share recipes, highs, and lows and get your questions answered!

Step and cardio protocols:

To boost your results - whether that's fat loss, muscle gain or body recomposition


I won't be just telling you what to do, I'll be providing you with the HOW and WHY behind it.

You'll get a series of videos to watch via the app so you understand the fundamentals of vegan nutrition and strength training.

Love the workout and recipes and all the support given. This is one of the best things I’ve done for myself!

Lisa, USA


Most diets and programs are unisex or based on men, yet a woman's body plays by a whole different set of rules.

No wonder we don't get lasting results on generic diets!

That's why over the 8-week challenge we'll work through the 5 fundamental pillars for lasting fat loss together.

I will be teaching you proven methods to help you to fuel your mind and body and to feel happy, healthy, and more confident than ever!

Together, we'll cover;


How to shift your mindset to a place of body confidence and how to stop sabotaging.


It all starts here, until you're in the right mindset you won't get the results you're working for


I won't just be giving you a plan to follow. I'll be SHOWING you the HOW and backing it up with the WHY so you'll have the knowledge & education you need to not only succeed in reaching your goals, but how to maintain your results, too.


The missing key for most women is figuring out what to eat and also figuring out how to make eating well a non-negotiable. You'll receive recipes tailored to your calorie & macro targets as well as actionable advice on how to make it a lasting habit.


If you want to look strong, lean and toned you need to have some muscle to show off! 

Whether you're brand new to the gym or a seasoned athlete, following my 3, 4 or 5-day home or gym-based training plans will help you to build an awesome body


I will be there to support you every step of the way in our private group and during our personal check-ins. You also be surrounded by other amazing women on the same journey with you! Share recipes, highs, lows and get your 
questions answered - all in the app!


This Challenge is for YOU if . . .

You're constantly fed up with all the overwhelming and conflicting information out there surrounding plant-based nutrition


You've been striving for a certain physique but just can't quite seem to lose the fat

You've bounced around from diet to diet, always losing and regaining the same weight and never having any clear direction on how to move forward

You want to get stronger, fitter, healthier, lose fat and build muscle tone

You want to start strength training to get toned but have no idea what to do

You can't seem to meet your protein goals without going over carbs and fat

You're tired of working with non-vegan trainers and coaches who tell you to 'just eat meat'

You want to be part of an amazing community of other like-minded women who are going through a similar journey to you.

You're tired of trying intermittent fasting, low-carb or super-restrictive diets without getting anywhere

The 8-week challenge was specially designed for women who want to learn how to change their body composition (get stronger, feel leaner, lose fat, and build muscle) while learning how to fuel themselves and eat right for their goals on a plant-based diet.


I will be teaching you proven methods to help you to fuel your mind and body and to feel more happy, healthy, and more confident than ever!


Whether you've been dieting too long and not seeing results or you're dealing with anything menopause-related, this program is for you.

What others are saying about the
8-Week Challenge

I reached my body fat goal. I ran a half marathon and a full marathon. I attribute my success to the way I eat. My food fuels my body and helps me recover quickly. Also, the workouts are helping me be stronger, and have more power.

Jean, USA

Love the simplicity of it which has made me be so consistent.

After hearing so many times that when you hit menopause you won’t lose weight when the reality is I wasn’t losing weight because I was not in a calorie deficit and was constantly picking as I didn’t know what to eat to keep me full and be healthy. I don’t pick at all now and don’t feel the need to.

Lorraine, United Kingdom

I’ve been stuck eating the same boring recipes for a long time and I haven’t worked out in the gym by myself in a while. Having the pre-planned recipes (delicious by the way) and workouts has been ideal and very helpful.

Cindy, USA

Loving it so much! Really happy with my progress. I am almost ready to not focus on the scales and my focus is moving much more towards strength, fitness and steps. Have found these macros great to work with, I don’t feel deprived and still have good energy most of the time. Thank you ❤️

Jaimee, New Zealand

Meet Your Coach



I'm Vicki - a certified Vegan Nutritionist and Precision Nutrition L1 Coach, Level 3 Personal Trainer - and all-around foodie!

I have yo-yo dieted my entire adult life, struggled to figure out my vegan nutrition, and no matter which diet I tried, I couldn't get the lean, toned look I was after!

After years of self-study, trial and error followed by professional certifications, I'd love to coach you so you can finally get the results you've been working for.

My program is for women who are action-takers, and who are motivated to do what it takes to achieve their goals.

Take all of my knowledge, advice and support and use it to FINALLY get to where you want to be! 🙌🏼

Dedicated to your success!

Vicki x

Founder & Head Coach of

Vegan Macros 101


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More testimonials from
8-week challengers


Amazing results

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